About us

The Students' Council of the University of Warsaw consists of all students and students of the University of Warsaw

The Students’  Union operates through its bodies. The Students’ Union of the University of Warsaw can be divided into central and faculty unions. At the central level, it consists of the President, the Board of the Students’ Union, the Students’ Parliament of the University of Warsaw, the Election Committee, the Audit Committee and the Board of Appeals. The body at the individual level is the Student Council.

Ordinarily, the Board is divided into: the elected Board members who have been approved by the Students’ Parliament of the University of Warsaw (these persons adopt the resolutions) and the extended Board, which includes all the Commission Presidents and Vice-Presidents

The most important legislative body of the Students’ Union is the Students’ Parliament of the University of Warsaw, its competences include the election people to various functions in the Students’ Union, including the President of the Students’ Union and their board.

Faculty Students’ Unions are established in all organizational units of the University that provide education. Faculty Students’ Unions represent students at the faculty level, its members are elected in elections organized by the Electoral Commission of the Students’ Union of the University of Warsaw. In the event that such a Students’ Union does not exist at the faculty, the President of the  Students’ Union of the University of Warsaw may appoint a commissioner who acts as an intermediary between the Board of the Students’ Union of the University of Warsaw and the students of the given unit.

6  Dormitory Councils also form a part of the Students’ Union. Chairmen of all 6 Dormitory Councils chair the Main Dormitory Council.

Recruitment drive and elections will vary from organ to organ.